

UltraSling II ER

The UltraSlingR II ER maintains the shoulder and arm in an externally rotated position and provides immobilization for rotator cuff repairs, capsular shifts, Bankhart repairs, glenohumeral dislocation/subluxation and soft tissue strains/repairs.

PDAC Assigned Code: L3670

  • Features and benefits
  • Specifications
  • Brand documents

  • Terry lined sling allows for greater comfort
  • 15° and 30° versions to suit your protocol
  • Comfortable foam pillow for patient compliance
  • De-Rotation shoulder strap to keep product in place

Ordering Information

Part Number Rotation Version Size
11-1343-x-06000 15° Right S - L
11-1344-x-06000 15° Left S - L
11-1345-x-06000 30° Right S - L
11-1346-x-06000 30° Left S - L

Sizes Available

Size Measurement
x = 2 = S Up to 11" (28 cm)
x = 3 = M 11" - 13" (28 - 33 cm)
x = 4 = L Above 13" (33 cm)


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