AirHeel™ with Stabilizers
The Aircast® AirHeel with Stabilizers help improve patient compliance by providing active relief. This unique clinically-proven solution provides comfort and massaging compression for the treatment of Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis and heel pain. Patients with higher Plantar Fasciitis pain experience faster relief with the Aircast AirHeel than with a shoe insert1. Medial/Lateral stabilizers offer enhanced proprioception and stability. The AirHeel with Stabilizers is made of lightweight breathable fabric and is simple to apply; slip on like a sock and adjust the fit with one strap. The AirHeel with Stabilizers is available in small, medium and large.
Indication: Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, Heel Pain
PDAC Assigned Code: L1902